Co-Pay Relief Program Announces New Disease Fund, Assistance for Patients With COVID-19 Now Available
PAF’s Co-Pay Relief (CPR) program is pleased to announce that assistance will now be available to patients with COVID-19 through the launch of a new disease fund that can provide $500 annually in direct payment for co-payments, co-insurance and deductibles required by the patient’s insurer for medications prescribed to treat and manage their disease.
Specific information relative to the COVID-19 fund is provided below:
Maximum annual award level: $500
Eligibility criteria:
- Patient must have health insurance coverage, and insurance must cover the medication for which patient seeks assistance.
- Patient must have a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19.
- Patient must reside and receive treatment in the United States.
- Patient’s income must fall below 400% of the Federal Poverty Guideline (FPG) with consideration of the Cost of Living Index (COLI) and the number in the household.
The Co-Pay Relief Program may help with all therapeutic and supportive medications, including generic or bioequivalent products prescribed to treat and/or manage the patient’s disease or condition. The program helps patients on a first-come, first-serve basis and processes applicants in the order in which their completed applications are received.
Applying for assistance is simple, either visit, with access available for patients, providers and pharmacies, or call our dedicated CPR team toll-free at 866-512-3861.
Disclaimer: Enrollment in and financial assistance from any disease-specific fund is provided on a first come, first serve basis to the extent funding is and remains available. PAF will not consider the identity of any physician, provider, supplier of items or services, donor, drug therapy, services or supplies being utilized or the referral source when assessing whether an applicant is qualified for financial assistance from a PAF CPR disease-specific fund. Under no circumstances will PAF recommend or refer an applicant or enrollee to any fund donor, provider, supplier or product.