Apply for a Scholarship

During PAF's daily interactions with patients, PAF staff often interact with patients and families who have experienced the impact of cancer or a chronic illness on post-secondary education. In 2000, PAF established the Scholarship for Survivors program to honor these individuals by offering educational scholarships to students who have suffered (or are suffering) from cancer or a chronic illness. These students have, despite their diagnosis, excelled academically, served the community, and desire to pursue a secondary education.

Scholarship Impact

For over 20 years, PAF (along with other gracious donors) has provided 235 scholarships totaling over $1 million. Currently 40 incredibly unique and memorable students are pursuing their course of study with funding from this program.

The purpose of our scholarship program is to provide support to individuals that are legal residents of the United States of America pursuing undergraduate or graduate studies who have been diagnosed with or treated for a cancer or chronic disease (please see scholarship guidelines for eligibility details).

Applications for 2025-2026 Academic Term

Deadline for Submissions is March 7, 2025 
National Undergraduate Eligibility Requirements:

To apply for the National Undergraduate Scholarship please click here.

Complete List of Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must be a Citizen of the United States.
  • Applicant must be under the age of 25.
  • Must have been diagnosed with and/or been actively treated for a cancer or chronic disease within the past five years.
  • Complete Scholarship for Survivors application in full
  • Applicant must write an essay on how their diagnosis has impacted their lives and future goals. (500 word minimum and 2000-word maximum)
  • Applicant must submit a copy of an acceptance letter from the college or university the applicant is planning to attend. If applicant is unsure or has not received acceptance letters yet, please list colleges to which student has applied. If selected as an award recipient, college acceptance will be verified.
  • Applicant must upload two letters of recommendation from non-related persons (examples: teachers, coaches, community leaders). The recommender should be able to endorse your personal character, academic achievements, and work or volunteer experience. Recommender must include their name, address, and phone number within the letter. Your reference letters are an important part of your application. Think hard about who to ask! 
  • Applicant must provide a copy of an official transcript. If you are selected as a scholarship recipient, an official transcript will be required before funds are distributed to your college or university.
  • Applicant must submit completed financial form that will demonstrate financial need and include a copy of the first two pages of tax return for the individual claiming the student as a dependent. If the student or parent claims $0 income on taxes or did not file their taxes, please complete the Declaration of Income Form.
  • Applicant's treating physician, oncologist, primary care physician, or nurse must verify patient's diagnosis by completing the Diagnosis Verification Form or by submitting a signed letter on practice's/providers letterhead. The letter need only include:
    • Patient's name
    • Patient's diagnosis
    • Date of diagnosis
    • When the patient began or will begin active treatment
    • When patient ended or will end active treatment (chronic illnesses do not require end date)


To apply to PAF’s Scholarship for Survivors Undergraduate Scholarship, student must have been diagnosed with and/or been actively treated for cancer or a chronic illness within the past five (5) years.

Diagnosis is considered active and eligible to apply if the patient is currently and actively being treated and managed for cancer/chronic illness and/or has been actively treated in the past 5 years.

  • Scenarios demonstrating active cancer treatment/ chronic illness status include:
  • Current chemotherapy, radiation, or anti-neoplasm drug therapy
  • Current drug therapy being administered as treatment for chronic illness
  • Current pathology revealing cancer/ chronic illness
  • A newly diagnosed patient awaiting treatment
  • Affirmation of current disease management
  • The cancerous organ has been removed or partially removed and the patient is still receiving ongoing treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation.
  • The patient is currently on adjuvant therapy for prophylactic purposes.

Diagnosis is considered historical and not eligible to apply if:

  • The cancer/chronic illness was successfully treated, and the patient has been out of active treatment for more than 5 years.
  • The patient had cancer/chronic illness and is coming back for surveillance of recurrence (Annual check-ups).

Scholarship Amount and Distribution:

  • PAF's Scholarship for Survivor Undergraduate scholars are eligible to receive a scholarship of $3,000 per school year ($1,500 per semester: Fall/Spring) for four consecutive years until the student receives a maximum of $12,000 or graduates with a bachelor's degree, whichever comes first.
  • The award is paid directly to the college or university for defraying tuition, books, and other fee costs.

If selected as a recipient, the below are requirements to maintain the scholarship:

    • Complete Scholarship Acceptance Form
    • Agree to media release terms and conditions
    • Provide a personal bio (250 words or less) and self-portrait/headshots (at least 300 dpi) for publication
    • Must maintain a cumulative 2.75 G.P.A.
    • Must be a full-time student
    • Must sign an agreement to complete 20 hours of community service for the year the scholarship will be dispensed and provide PAF with a confirmation when that service has been completed to include a signature of supervisor

Failure to meet any/all of these requirements is a violation of the award, and the recipient will be responsible for repayment of the award monies.  
Prior to beginning the application process, please make sure you have all pertinent documents and information for uploading and completing the application.  The system will not allow for advancing if a field is skipped.  

Virginia Undergraduate Eligibility Requirements: 

To apply for the Virginia Undergraduate Scholarship please click here.

Complete List of Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must be a Resident of Virginia.
  • Applicant must be under the age of 25.
  • Must have been diagnosed with and/or been actively treated for a cancer or chronic disease within the past five years.
  • Must be pursuing an Associate’s degree or higher.
  • Complete Scholarship for Survivors application in full
  • Applicant must write an essay on how their diagnosis has impacted their lives and future goals. (500 word minimum and 2000-word maximum)
  • Applicant must submit a copy of an acceptance letter from the college or university the applicant is planning to attend. If applicant is unsure or has not received acceptance letters yet, please list colleges to which student has applied to. If selected as an award recipient, college acceptance will be verified.
  • Applicant must upload two letters of reference of recommendation from non-related persons (examples: teachers, coaches, community leaders). The recommender should be able to endorse your personal character, academic achievements, and work or volunteer experience. Recommender must include their name, address, and phone number within the letter. Your reference letters are an important part of your application. Think hard about who to ask! 
  • Applicant must provide a copy of an official transcript. If you are selected as a scholarship recipient, an official transcript will be required before funds are distributed to college or university.
  • Applicant must complete the financial section demonstrating financial need and include a copy of the first two pages of tax return from the most recent tax year for the individual claiming the student as a dependent. If the student or parent claims $0 income on taxes or did not file their taxes, please complete the official letter of non-filing from the IRS and complete the Declaration of Income Form.
  • Applicant's treating physician, oncologist, primary care physician, or nurse must verify patient's diagnosis by completing the Diagnosis Verification Form or by submitting a signed letter on practice's/providers letterhead. The letter need only include:
    • Patient’s name
    • Patient’s diagnosis
    • Date of diagnosis
    • When the patient began or will begin active treatment
    • When patient ended or will end active treatment (chronic illnesses do not require end date) 

To apply to PAF’s Scholarship for Survivors Undergraduate Scholarship, student must have been diagnosed with and/or been actively treated for cancer or a chronic illness within the past five (5) years

Diagnosis is considered active, and student is eligible to apply, if the patient is currently and actively being treated for cancer/chronic illness and/or has been actively treated in the past 5 years.

  • Scenarios demonstrating active cancer treatment/ chronic illness status include:
  • Current chemotherapy, radiation, or anti-neoplasm drug therapy
  • Current drug therapy being administered as treatment for chronic illness
  • Current pathology revealing cancer/ chronic illness
  • A newly diagnosed patient awaiting treatment
  • Affirmation of current disease management
  • The cancerous organ has been removed or partially removed and the patient is still receiving ongoing treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation.
  • The patient is currently on adjuvant therapy for prophylactic purposes. 

Diagnosis is considered historical and not eligible to apply if:

  • The cancer/chronic illness was successfully treated, and the patient has been out of active treatment for more than 5 years.
  • The patient had cancer/chronic illness and is coming back for surveillance of recurrence (Annual check-ups)

Scholarship Amount and Distribution:

  • PAF's Scholarship for Survivor Undergraduate scholars are eligible to receive a scholarship of $3,000 per school year ($1,500 per semester: Fall/Spring) for four consecutive years until the student receives a maximum of $12,000 or graduates with a bachelor's degree, whichever comes first.
  • The award is paid directly to the college or university for defraying tuition, books, and other fee costs.

If selected as a recipient, the below are requirements to maintain the scholarship:

    • Complete Scholarship Acceptance Form
    • Agree to media release terms and conditions
    • Provide a personal bio (250 words or less) and self-portrait/headshots (at least 300 dpi) for publication
    • Must maintain a cumulative 2.75 G.P.A.
    • Must be a full-time student
    • Must sign an agreement to complete 20 hours of community service for the year the scholarship will be dispensed and provide PAF with a confirmation when that service has been completed to include a signature of supervisor

Failure to meet any/all of these requirements is a violation of the award, and the recipient will be responsible for repayment of the award monies.  
Prior to beginning the application process, please make sure you have all pertinent documents and information for uploading and completing the application.  The system will not allow for advancing if a field is skipped.  

Graduate Eligibility Requirements:

To apply for the National Graduate Scholarship please click here.

Complete List of Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must be a Citizen of the United States.
  • Must have been diagnosed with and/or been actively treated for a cancer or chronic disease within the past ten years.
  • Must be pursuing a Master’s degree or higher.
  • Complete Scholarship for Survivors application in full
  • Applicant must write an essay on how their diagnosis has impacted their lives and future goals. (500 word minimum and 2000-word maximum)
  • Applicant must submit a copy of an acceptance letter from the college or university the applicant is planning to attend. If applicant is unsure or has not received acceptance letters yet, please list colleges to which student has applied. If selected as an award recipient, college or university acceptance will be verified.
  • Applicant must upload two letters of recommendation from non-related persons (examples: teachers, coaches, community leaders). The recommender should be able to endorse your personal character, academic achievements, and work or volunteer experience. Recommender must include their name, address, and phone number within the letter. Your reference is an important part of your application. Think hard about who to ask! 
  • Applicant must provide a copy of an official transcript. If you are selected as a scholarship recipient, an official transcript will be required before funds will be distributed to your college or university.
  • Applicant must submit completed financial form that will demonstrate financial need and include a copy of the first two pages of tax return for the individual claiming the student as a dependent. If the student or parent claims $0 income or did not file their taxes, please complete the official letter of non-filing from the IRS and complete the Declaration of Income Form.
  • Applicant's treating physician, oncologist, primary care physician, or nurse must verify patient's diagnosis by completing the Diagnosis Verification Form or by submitting a signed letter on practice's/providers letterhead. The letter need only include:
    • Patient’s name
    • Patient’s diagnosis
    • Date of diagnosis
    • When the patient began or will begin active treatment
    • When patient ended or will end active treatment (chronic illnesses do not require end date)

Diagnosis is considered active and eligible to apply if the patient is currently and actively being treated and managed for cancer/chronic illness and/or has been actively treated in the past 10 years.

  • Scenarios demonstrating active cancer treatment/ chronic illness status include:
  • Current chemotherapy, radiation, or anti-neoplasm drug therapy
  • Current drug therapy being administered as treatment for chronic illness
  • Current pathology revealing cancer/ chronic illness
  • A newly diagnosed patient awaiting treatment
  • Affirmation of current disease management
  • The cancerous organ has been removed or partially removed and the patient is still receiving ongoing treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation.
  • The patient is currently on adjuvant therapy for prophylactic purposes.

Diagnosis is considered historical and not eligible to apply if:

  • The cancer/chronic illness was successfully treated, and the patient has been out of active treatment for more than 10 years.
  • The patient had cancer/chronic illness and is coming back for surveillance of recurrence (Annual check-ups).

Scholarship Amount and Distribution:

PAF's Scholarship for Survivor Graduate scholars is eligible to receive a scholarship of $3,000 per school year ($1,500 per semester: Fall/Spring) for up to two consecutive years until the student receives a maximum of $6,000 or graduates with a Graduate or Ph.D. degree, whichever comes first. The award is paid directly to the college or university for defraying tuition, books, and other fee costs.

If selected as a recipient, the below are requirements to maintain the scholarship:

  • Complete Scholarship Acceptance Form
  • Agree to media release terms and conditions
  • Provide a personal bio (250 words or less) and self portrait/headshots (at least 300dpi) for publication
  • Record at least (1) 30 second- 1 minute "Thank You" video for our donors
  • Must maintain a cumulative 2.75 G.P.A.
  • Must be a full-time student
  • Must sign an agreement to complete 20 hours of community service for the year the scholarship will be dispensed and provide PAF with a confirmation when the service has been completed to include a signature of the supervisor

Failure to meet any/all these requirements is a violation of the award, and the recipient will be responsible for the repayment of the award monies. Prior to beginning the application process, please make sure you have all pertinent documents and information for uploading and completing the application.  The system will not allow for advancing if a field is skipped. 


On behalf of Patient Advocate Foundation's Board of Directors and Scholarship Review Committee, we thank you for your interest in our 2025-2026 Scholarship for Survivors program.

After you have applied, your application will be reviewed and you will receive an email from us with an expected date of decision, usually 3-4 months after the application deadline. Applicants that were selected to receive funding will be personally contacted and a contract that outlines the funding guidelines will be forwarded.

For questions please email: 

To learn more about the students, click the link:

Returning Scholarship Recipients

Scholarship Alumni