Our Leaders
To fulfill its mission, PAF is supported day-to-day by its leadership team and patient services are carried out by a stable force of full time professionals with a variety of degrees and specialties. Professional staff who assist patients every day are primarily located in our headquarters location in Hampton, VA, with virtual and satellite offices in various locations around the United States.
The Patient Advocate Foundation Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Committee is comprised of a network of research and community oncologists, attorneys, legislators, healthcare industry representatives, and case managers committed to the goal of offering support to patients, and who provide necessary guidance and direction to be fiscally and structurally sound.
The Patient Advocate Foundation Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Committee is comprised of a network of research and community oncologists, attorneys, legislators, healthcare industry representatives, and case managers committed to the goal of offering support to patients, and who provide necessary guidance and direction to be fiscally and structurally sound.
Robert Winn, MD
Director and Lipman Chair in Oncology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Massey Cancer Center
Senior Associate Dean for Cancer Innovation and Professor of
Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine
VCU School of Medicine
Richmond, Virginia
Loretta A. Williams (Lori), PhD, APRN, MSN, BA
Department of Symptom Research, Division of Internal Medicine
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas
David White
Lead Proofreader, Debevoise Plimpton, LLP
Patient Partner, National Committee for Quality Assurance
Patient Representative, NIIH Heal Initiative, New York
Reginald Tucker-Seeley, MA, ScM, ScD
Principal/Owner – Health Equity Strategies and Solutions, Los Angeles, California
Former Vice President of Health Equity
ZERO – The End of Prostate Cancer
Los Angeles, California
Daniel Press, PhD
Dean of Arts and Sciences, Santa Clara University, California
Former Professor of Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz
Veena Shankaran, M.D.
Assistant Professor, Medical Oncology, University of Washington School of Medicine, Assistant Member Clinical Research – Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Maureen Culbertson
Conexio Services Group, Managing Partner
Larri Alexis Short
Former Partner, Arent Fox LLP
Aaron J. Lyss, MBA
Director of Strategic Payer Relations, OneOncology
David Jackman, MD
Medical Director of Clinical Pathways, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Senior Physician, Lowe Center for Thoracic Oncology
Norm Hubbard, MBA
Chief Business Officer at the Office of Health Sciences, Michigan State University, Former Executive Vice President, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
Alan J. Balch, PhD
Chief Executive Officer
Patient Advocate Foundation
Non-Voting Member
Nancy Davenport-Ennis
Founder, Chair Emerita
Non-Voting Member
John L. Murphy
Retired Partner & Head of Research, Saguenay Strathmore Capital
Al Benson III, MD, FACP
Professor of Medicine, Associate Director for Clinical Investigations, Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University
John H. “Jack” Ennis
Non-Voting Member
Otis Maynard, Esq.
Senior Associate General Counsel, United Healthcare