Volunteer with PAF
Volunteers are current and former patients, caregivers, health care professionals, lawyers and people who care about the quality of health care in our country.
PAF’s volunteer and community team come in all forms – those dedicated citizens who take their voices and opinions to governmental policy makers through our partnership with National Patient Advocate Foundation (NPAF), donors who support efforts to assist patients using their everyday spending and philanthropic generosity, volunteers who enjoy planning and building community support, and everyday citizens who take the time to be a personal advocate on behalf of someone they love. Here are some of the ways you can help!
Volunteer to help fundraise for PAF
PAF's development team is frequently seeking community-minded volunteers who have a desire to help ensure that our fundraising events are successful. This may include helping serve on a planning committee for an event, volunteering during the Promise of Hope event, helping to solicit donations for our silent auction, or coordinating a new event that would engage our community while raising money to help support patients. If you are interested in participating or brainstorming about what could be possible, contact us using this form and let us know what you have in mind.
Volunteer for National Patient Advocate Foundation
Join PAF’s sister organization National Patient Advocate Foundation and become a part of their advocacy network. Volunteers are current and former patients, caregivers, health care professionals and people who care about the quality of health care in our country.
The National Patient Advocate Foundation was formed in conjunction with PAF in 1996, and today is our nation’s premier medical and health care related advocacy organization. NPAF staff and volunteers work everyday to ensure patients are receiving the protections and policies they need to facilitate healthcare in the U.S.
You can get involved by joining the Patients' Voice Network – active in all 50 states! Through this volunteer advocate network, you will be informed of current state and federal initiatives that will affect the healthcare of all Americans. By knowing the key points, you will be able to effectively bring your voice to legislators who sit in a position to make a difference. NPAF's volunteers also spread the word in their communities about the services provided by the Patient Advocate Foundation. Meet new friends, learn new ideas, master new skills, and gain a sense of accomplishment with this volunteer opportunity.
You can customize your volunteer experience to match your interests, skills and schedule. Some volunteers serve a few minutes a week and others who give many hours a month.
You can sign up by visiting the volunteer section on National Patient Advocate Foundation website www.npaf.org.
Become an advocate to someone you love.
What does it mean to make a difference? Making a difference could mean that your sister has access to care from her OB/GYN, your father receives, and is reimbursed for a breakthrough therapy, or your neighbor has to travel to only one medical facility to receive his prescribed cancer treatment.
You can help make a difference in healthcare by giving of your time to help solve problems that span across the nation or are right in your backyard. Is hard work necessary to make a difference? Yes, sometimes, but it can also be very rewarding and a lot of fun!