
Making the Most of Your Medicare Benefits: A Guide to Navigating Medicare With Confidence

2023 Annual Impact Report

This retrospective report, released in May of 2024, details the organizational achievements and impact for the 2023 calendar year via statistics documenting disease, issues, resolutions, geography, insurance status and demographics that contribute to the development of trends PAF sees and can respond to.

Medicare Part D Changes and the New Medicare Prescription Payment Plan

Should Martin Opt In?

Martin Case Study

Should Joanne Opt In?

Joanne Case Study

Should Tomas Opt In?

Tomas Case Study

Patient Impact: Laura’s Story

“Working with my case manager was both comforting and highly informative. She taught me so much about Medicaid, hospital policies, and all the support PAF offers to patients and their families. She was extremely patient with my questions and guided me through some difficult choices. I am grateful to have met her and will miss […]