Learn About Us
Patient Advocate Foundation is a national 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization which provides professional case management services to Americans with chronic, life threatening and debilitating illnesses.
Our History
Learn about Patient Advocate Foundation’s mission objectives and history.
Our Leaders
Meet Patient Advocate Foundation’s dedicated leadership team.
Awards & Accomplishments
Patient Advocate Foundation has earned many awards and achieved numerous accomplishments in its 20+ year history.
About National Patient Advocate Foundation
National Patient Advocate Foundation is the advocacy affiliate of the Patient Advocate Foundation and is dedicated to improving health care access, quality and affordability through policies, programs and practices that optimize the experience and outcomes for patients and caregivers. NPAF brings the patient voice to the forefront by articulating powerful individual stories and the collective needs of the community.
Annual Reports & 990 Financials
Patient Advocate Foundation’s Form 990s and Audited Financial Statements.
Program Disclaimers
View Patient Advocate Foundation’s operational disclaimers.