Patient Advocate Foundation Financial Aid Fund Program Disclaimer

Patient Advocate Foundation Financial Aid Fund Program Disclaimer

Patient Advocate Foundation’s Financial Aid Fund Division may offer a variety of Financial Aid Fund programs at any given time, with a current listing that can be found at or by calling 1-855- 824-7941.

Each of Patient Advocate Foundation’s (“PAF’s”) Financial Aid Funds provides a pre-defined amount of financial assistance to patients who have been diagnosed with one of the conditions outlined in each fund’s criteria and who meet all of the qualifying criteria. The qualifying criteria for each fund can be found at or by calling 1-855-824-7941.

PAF will not consider the identity of any physician, provider, supplier of items or services, donor, drug therapy, services or supplies being utilized, or the referral source when assessing whether an applicant is qualified for financial assistance through any of the available Financial Aid Funds. Under no circumstances will PAF recommend or refer a patient to any donor, provider, supplier, or product.

Qualifying patients are provided a one-time grant of the specified amount disclosed for each fund at the time they are approved for assistance from the Financial Aid Fund. Financial assistance through the Financial Aid Fund is provided on a first come, first serve basis to the extent the Financial Aid Fund has capacity to provide assistance.

Assistance from the Financial Aid Fund is not dependent on the use of a particular drug, particular supplies, or particular provider or suppliers and patients are free to switch drug therapies, treating physicians, pharmacies, and suppliers at any time without affecting their continued eligibility for assistance.

Patient Advocate Foundation reserves the right to request additional information to verify compliance with program eligibility guidelines. Failure to provide the requested information may result in the closure of the application for assistance. Additionally, if at any time it becomes evident that information has been provided under false pretense the eligibility process for assistance will be terminated.

Patients’ contact information and other personal information provided to PAF (collectively, “Personal Information”) may be used in the future to share printed and/or electronic communications from PAF or for other purposes described in the PAF Privacy Policy . If the patient does not wish to receive print and/or electronic communications from PAF, he/she may contact the program at 1-855- 824-7941 and request to have his/her contact information removed from the mailing list.

Patients’ Personal Information may be deidentified and combined with other patients’ deidentified data to prepare reports analyzing patient needs and the Financial Aid Fund. Deidentified data is information that cannot be reasonably linked to you, or be used to infer characteristics about you, so this data is no longer considered Personal Information. PAF will only use deidentified patient data, i.e., patient data where all identifying data terms like the patient’s name, identifying numbers, etc. have been removed and will not attempt to reidentify such data.

We provide free communication aids and services to anyone with a disability or who needs language assistance. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, health status or disability. To receive language translation assistance free of charge, please call us at 1-800-532-5274 and select Option 2. To receive communication assistance, dial 711 and provide the TTY relay service with the following number 1-800-532-5274, Option 2. If you believe we have failed to provide reasonable accommodation, or think we have discriminated in another way, contact us to file a grievance.

Compliance Coordinator
421 Butler Farm Road
Hampton, VA  23666
Phone:  757-952-0589

To receive communication assistance, dial 711 and provide the TTY relay service with the following number:  757-952-0589 
Email: or

You may file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Servies, Office for Civil Rights, at:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue SW
Room 509F, HHH Building 1019
Washington, DC  20201
Phone:  800-368-1019

TTY/TDD:  800-537-7697
Complaint Portal:  U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - Office for Civil Rights (
Complaint Process:  Complaint Process |

Disclaimers for individual funds can be accessed here: